email:  moc.liamg@iksnigifft

Theodore F. Figinski

Curriculum Vitae


"Targeted Relief: Geography and Timing of Emergency Rental Assistance Funds," with Sydney Keenan, Richard Sweeney, and Erin Troland. Accepted for publication in the National Tax Journal. Abstract Longer version available as "Targeted Relief: Geography and Timing of Emergency Rental Assistance," Federal Reserve Board Finance and Economics Discussion Series Working Paper 2024-055 and Teasury Office of Economic Policy Working Paper WP 2024-03
"Health Insurance and Hospital Supply: Evidence from 1950s Coal Country," with Erin Troland. Forthcoming in American Journal of Health Economics. Abstract Available as Federal Reserve Board Finance and Economics Discussion Series Working Paper 2020-033
"Bringing Health Care to Appalachia: The Long Run Impact of a Rural Health Care System," with Erin Troland. Economic Development Quarterly 36(3), 2022, pp.261-275. Abstract
"The Risk of Financial Hardship in Retirement: A Cohort Analysis," with Jason Brown and Karen Dynan. In: Remaking Retirement, Debt in an Aging Economy, Olivia Mitchell and Annamaria Lusardi (eds.), 2020, pp. 60-85. Abstract
"Why Retirement, Social Security, and Age Discrimination Policies Need to Consider the Intersectional Experiences of Older Women," with Ian Burn, Patrick Button, and Joanne Song McLaughlin. Public Policy & Aging Report 30(3), 2020, pp. 101-106. Abstract NBER Working Paper 27450
"Does Getting Health Insurance Affect Women's Fertility? Evidence from the United Mine Workers' Health Insurance," with Erin Troland. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 109, 2019, pp. 511-515. Abstract
"New Evidence on the Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws," with Alicia Lloro and Phillip Li. Advances in Econometrics 40A, 2019, pp. 293-318. Abstract
"Do Employers Favor those with Military Experience in the U.S. Reserve Forces? Evidence from a Field Experiment," Defence and Peace Economics 30(2), 2019, pp.213-226. Abstract
"Does Eliminating the Earnings Test Increase the Incidence of Low Income Among Older Women?" with David Neumark. Research on Aging 40(1), 2018, pp. 27-53. Abstract
"The Effect of Potential Activations on the Employment of Military Reservists: Evidence from a Field Experiment," ILR Review 70(4), 2017, pp. 1037-1056. Abstract (Pre-Publication Version Available Upon Request) Online Appendix. Featured in: Harvard Business Review

Working Papers

"Expanding Opportunity? Tax Based Educational Aid, the American Opportunity Tax Credit and College Enrollment." 
"Long-Run Effects of Food Assistance: Evidence from the Food Stamp Program and Administrative Data," with Marianne Bitler. Abstract Available as NBER Working Paper 33182
"Mapping the American Rescue Plan," with Sydney Keenan, Richard Sweeney, and Jason Sockin. Abstract Available as Treasury Office of Economic Policy Working Paper WP 2024-01
"Revisiting the Effect of Education on Later Life Health," with Alicia Lloro and Avinash Moorthy. Abstract Available as Federal Reserve Board Finance and Economics Discussion Series Working Paper 2022-007
"Women and the Social Security Earnings Test."

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